For twenty years Cheryl Rich has worked side-by-side with founder, Leila Steinberg, of “AIM4TheHeART” a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping at-risk youth find their voice using Steinberg’s emotional literacy curriculum. Steinberg is most noted for being first mentor/manager, to whom many believe was a Prophet, the Master of the Rap Game, Mr. Tupac Shakur.
Cheryl is an activist, clinical psychologist, and a certified licensed mediator. People from both poverty and privilege find Cheryl Rich. She possesses the unique ability to bring diverse bodies of people together for the common good of all, but Cheryl takes those who are marginalized and demonstrates how to develop hands-on survival skills and dig for resources to stabilize oneself.
Cheryl knowing that by continuing to work as a clinical psychologist in a traditional therapeutic environment would never have allowed her to serve the underserved, therefore forcing her to find the faith to leave her comfort zone.
“I had to take my masters in clinical psychology to the streets. Suddenly, I became a “Street Therapist,” conducting street therapy at any given time and in any given place. I had to show those who suffer the silence, shame, and “learned helplessness” which structured poverty strategically bred on purpose, a new mindset – how to take nothing and turn into something.”
The combination of academia, social awareness, and surviving deadly situations has empowered Cheryl with the ability to guide those who are unable to cope with the “red-tape” within our system. The red-tape which keeps many people from becoming stable and productive members of our society.
Due to the debilitating social circumstances and desperate situations that people in the community find themselves in, many times the only way they find Cheryl is by word-of-mouth. For years she has single-handily supplied emergency housing for so many people that Cheryl has lost count. She empowers people from all walks of life to have no shame over their “bad and ugly”. Cheryl Rich teaches people to believe beyond what the eyes can see.
“Having compassion for others is one of life’s greatest privileges.” – Cheryl Rich.