Dr. Cheryl Rich

Dr. Cheryl Rich is a dedicated Global Community Empowerment Officer with an impressive 25-year tenure in street ministry. In recognition of her unwavering commitment, she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Divinity. With an earned Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, Dr. Cheryl’s expertise extends to the realm of human behavior, trauma healing, and well-being. 

Her contributions as a published author in the award-winning book “Me Power” by Dr. LaNysha Adams, Ph.D., further demonstrate her dedication to empowering individuals. Dr. Cheryl’s impact doesn’t stop there. 

She has also collaborated as an Executive Producer alongside Doug Deluca, Co-Executive Producer of “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” on the groundbreaking project “The House.” This innovative venture, hosted on the Fox Studios streaming platform, Fox Soul, showcases Dr. Cheryl’s commitment to role-model the built-in human-desire to just “Be Who You Are,” by showing the power within Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. And Dr. Cheryl’s dedication to be the voice for uncomfortable conversations, community collaboration, and psychology, provides our youth with a non-judgmental safe-space.  

Media & Press

Dr. Cheryl’s Bio

Dr. Cheryl Rich is a life survivor, clinical psychologist, author and most recently an executive producer and host on the talk show series “The House” on Fox Soul. 

Watch Interviews

Watch the Interviews of “The House” on “The Round Table” with Robert Bannon and other great content.


Every coach needs a coach. Cheryl is the real deal. I reached a point in my life where I needed connection and a sounding board to help me through a major transition in my life. Cheryl asks the hard questions and then has the capacity to unpack the false evidence appearing real that often holds us back.

Dr. LaNysha Adams
Edlinguist Solutions

Having collaborated with Cheryl over the years, she is an unrelenting, focused woman: logic driven by a versatile intelligence drawn from life experiences, education, and her remarkable insight. Few have the vision Cheryl sees!

Gayle Simon

For those seeking the tools to manage anger, permanently change behavior and just simply value and love life, Cheryl’s journey has the contents, the recipe to create survivors instead of victims. I have spent 20 plus years working within our justice system. I have seen very few programs or people who have the impact Cheryl Rich does. Whether that is when she is speaking inside of juvenile halls, prisons, foster homes, or as she unflinchingly goes into unpredictable territory feeding homeless people. From her heroin addiction to her yoga practice; from the penitentiary stay to her Master’s Degree; most importantly, from self-hate to self love, Cheryl Rich has the ability to unearth Your courage and set You free!

Leila Steinberg

I’ve always asked myself if YOU existed. I did not know how you looked, who you were, IF you were, WHERE you were. But today, I could not believe that I have met you. I cant stop crying and I know that I won’t be able to sleep again but ohhhh, how different the sleepless night will be. So different than all of the others in which I’ve cried my soul out.
